
Yankees Trade Rumors: Orioles Willing to Deal Tejada

July 28, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

According to George King of the NY Post , the Yankees have had interest in Orioles infielder Ty Wigginton , but so far the O’s are unwilling to deal him within the division. One player they may be willing to part with is Miguel Tejada , but so far the Yankees reaction has been “lukewarm at best.”

There is a good reason why the Yankees don’t want Tejada, he sucks.

He’s not nearly the player he used to be and his age, believed to be 36, is unreliable. For all we know, he could be 40. To focus on the things we do know, Tejada has a 96 OPS+ over the past three seasons and that has hit an all-time low of 82 this season.

Tejada has also been moved to third base because he had a -12.4 UZR at shortstop last season, but the move to third hasn’t helped him as he has a -4.6 UZR at the hot corner this season.

So, if the Yankees decided that they wanted to trade for a washed up has-been, then Tejada is their man. Unfortunately for the Orioles, the Yankees are not looking to get better, not worse. After all, there is a reason why the Orioles, who are supposedly unwilling to trade with the Yankees, are willing to make an exception in Tejada’s case.

This one isn’t going to happen.

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