
Yankees Trade Rumors: Interested in Adam Dunn After All

July 30, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

So the MLB trade deadline is tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 pm, and there have been lots of rumors connecting the Yankees to certain players, but so far nothing has gotten serious.

Yesterday we actually heard that the Yankees were out of the running for Nationals outfielder Adam Dunn , however, today we are hearing differently. According to Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports , one “rival executive” believes the Yankees are still active in Dunn talks. Supposedly yesterday’s rumor that they were out was just a ploy to force the Nats to get serious.

The problem with Rosenthal’s reporting here is that it really doesn’t give us much. A rival executive said this. He could be right, or he could simply be going on the “Brian Cashman is a ninja” line of thinking, and is just guessing that the Yankees are never actually out on something until there is no longer a possibility.

So why would Rosenthal report this? Because it’s pretty solid thinking. I mean, it sounds like a guess, but it is an educated one. This is usually how Cashman works. He’s never out on somebody he wants, even when he says he is. The way he does business is he sets a price that he thinks is fair for a player and then waits until the market drops low enough and makes his offer. It’s exactly how they got Bobby Abreu .

The problem is that just because the Yankees might still be interested in Dunn, it doesn’t mean his price is actually going to drop low enough. From what it sounds like , the Chicago White Sox are pretty damn interested in Dunn and may not allow his price to drop low enough.

To sum up, the Yankees might still be interested in Dunn, but it might not matter.

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