
Yankees Trade Rumors: Asking Price for Downs is Joba or Montero

July 28, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

I don’t know what they’re smoking up in Canada, but according to George King of the NY Post , the Toronto Blue Jays have asked the Yankees for Joba Chamberlain or, according to Jon Heyman of Sports Illustrated, their top prospect, Jesus Montero, in exchange for reliever Scott Downs .

That’s right: The asking price for the Jays’ middle reliever is the Yankees’ top prospect. There is still time for the demands on Downs to come back down to Earth, but if they stay anywhere close to this, then a deal is not going to get done.

Look, Downs is a good reliever. As far as middle relievers go, he is one of the best as he’s put up an ERA+ of 184 over the last three years and 159.2 innings. But if the asking price is Montero, the Yankees shouldn’t have even bothered asking. Maybe this is the Blue Jays’ way of telling the Yankees that they aren’t going to trade him within the division.

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