
Lets Make a Deal: A Possible Yankees Deal for Roy Oswalt

May 22, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Roy Oswalt has asked the Houston Astros for a trade. The Yankees are looking for another starter since Javier Vazquez is struggling to keep is spot. What if the Yankees could make a deal for the Houston ace?

The Yankees save several guys on the team that they could move in order to bring Oswalt to New York. The Astros would like to get a pitcher in return from the Yankees, so why not add Vazquez to the deal?

Vazquez seems to pitch great in the National League, because last year he was one of the best and was in contention for the Cy Young Award. He showed that yet again, when he pitched a great game against the New York Mets on Friday night. He serves no use to the Yankees if all he is going to do is pitch well against National League teams. 

Lets add some youth to the mix. Throw in the young relief pitcher, David Robertson. Robertson has been inconsistent and not the same since last year. It seems like every game he goes into, he has to give up a hit. The Yankees do not need that especially when they could possibly be fighting against the Tampa Bay Rays for the American League East title. 

Does Houston want some more pitching? How about Sergio Mitre? The Yankees have been using him this year to eat up innings, but there definitely are better people out there in the farm system and on the market that could replace him easily. Mitre could revamp the Astros’ bullpen with Robertson. 

The Yankees should add a minor league player to be named later just to secure the deal. There are some guys that could be used as chips to make it happen like Kelvin De Leon, a Yankees outfield prospect or catcher Gary Sanchez. The Astros may want youth in the catcher position as they have Kevin Cash and Humberto Quintero behind the plate right now. Sanchez could be ready in a year or two if all goes well.

The Red Sox may want to get in on a deal to block the Yankees from doing so. Another team that may be out for Oswalt are the Mets, who desperately need pitching. Oswalt will be on the move, and it is only a matter of time before someone pulls the trigger on a deal. The Yankees need to act fast if they want to be the ones pulling the trigger.  

This article was featured at Chris Chavez’ Bomber’s Banter .

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