
David Wells Rips A-Rod Over Dallas Braden Incident

April 24, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

I’m going to keep this short because I’m with Alex Rodriguez ; this is really just a funny incident and it’s really not a big deal. A-Rod is a huge superstar who was probably just trying to get in the head of a young pitcher who was beating the Yankees that day. 

He very clearly got into his head, but unfortunately it was not enough to win the game. I thought Dallas Braden had the right to be upset, but he clearly went overboard.

Anyways, David Wells ripped into A-Rod a bit over the incident. Not so much that he did it, but that he denied that he knew not to do it.

Here are the Wells quotes via the NY Post :

“A-Rod is full of [bleep], that he never heard of that,” Wells told The Post from San Diego yesterday. “He has been around the game long enough to know that.”

“I hated it when runners did that. I yelled at plenty of them,” Wells said. “It’s one thing to cross in the front of the mound before it goes up, but on top of it, that’s wrong. The cleats [mess] up the mound. Pitchers don’t go in front of fielders and put their spikes in the dirt.

“I totally agree [with Braden] ‘Get off my mound.’ I would have done the same thing with A-Rod, or anybody else. [Bleep] it.”

For the record, both Derek Jeter and CC Sabathia came to the defense of A-Rod:

“It ain’t like he bought it from home,” said Jeter. “To be honest, not too many people are worried about what he said. I am not going to sit around and think about what he is saying.”

“I don’t know, I guess he is a tough guy,” Sabathia said about Braden after he said he wasn’t aware of the unwritten rule himself.

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