
Boston Red Sox GM Theo Epstein Will Have a Busy Winter

September 27, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

The Boston Red Sox just got swept by the New York Yankees and  has lost 9 out of the last 10 against its most hated rivals. The Red Soxs started the season by dominating the Yankees 8 wins to 0 and had a comfortable division lead heading into the end of June.

Then the Yankees got hot and  by the end of July they wrestled the division away from the Red Soxs.  

Then Theo Epstein who is Sporting News Executive of the year made an awesome trading deadline move  by getting Victor Martinez away from the cash strapped Indians.

The Soxs are currently 6 games up in the AL Wild Card and are a lock to be in the playoffs and possibly make a magical 2004 type run. Regardless of what happens in the post season the Theo and the Red Soxs will have a busy winter looking to improve.

He made some great moves to breathe second life into the Soxs but I think in the off season more parts are needed. The Line up is good but not great ,and the teams Homerun Leader  Jason Bay is a pending free agent. The core guys are getting older and losing a bat like Bay would really hurt down the road. 

The pitching staff is also very good but not great. They staff has battle injuries with Dice K Matsuzaka and Tim Wakefield may finally be getting old. They have some young quality pitching in Lester and Buccholz but may need another front of the rotation guy or someone who can eat up the innings.

The Red Soxs Payroll for the start of the 2009 season was about 121 Million dollars which was about 80 Million dollars short of the rival Yankees. I am not sure how much higher the Red Soxs will be willing to go salary wise to compete in the AL East.

Adding another pitcher and resigning Bay is going to be expensive and I would think they would be around 135-140 Million by the start of the 2010 season.

The Good news for Red Sox fans is that if any GM in baseball can make some moves or tough baseball decisions it is Theo Epstein. This guy seems to always pull off a trade that leaves the rest of other teams fans wondering how come we couldn’t trade for that guy (see Jason Bay trade and Victor Martinez, or even Josh Beckett).

He also made the tough choices to not resign fan favorites Pedro Martinez and Johnny Damon. I would love to see him work his magic and get Adrian Gonzalez and Chris Young from the Padres as they seem to be in a mood to unload some quality players.

Either way it will be interesting to see Theo the magician make some 2010 magic.

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  1. louis on July 29th, 2014 2:24 pm


    thank you!!…

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