
A-Rod Scratched With Left Leg Contusion

August 7, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Just days after Alex Rodriguez hit his 600th career home run, he has been scratched from the lineup Saturday afternoon against the Boston Red Sox.

A-Rod was struck by a line drive on his left leg during batting practice Saturday. He has a contusion near the base of his shin. 

Rodriguez was taking grounders at third base with Lance Berkman taking batting practice when he turned to say “hi” to FOX broadcaster Joe Buck. When Rodriguez turned his head back to home plate, he was struck by a one-hopper just below the left knee by a line drive off the bat of Berkman.

Alex then collapsed behind a protective screen in center-field, holding his head in pain. Derek Jeter called for trainer Gene Monohan, while manager Joe Girardi and Reggie Jackson attended Rodriguez at his side. 

Minutes later, Rodriguez limped off the field on his own power. 

Jason Zillo, the Yankees media relations director, said that Rodriguez’s leg has been placed in ice and elevated. He added that it is swollen. X-rays were negative, and Alex is listed as day-to-day.

Rodriguez was replaced in the line-up by Ramiro Peña, batting ninth. Hows that for a downgrade? 



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