
Yankees and Blue Jays Brawl: Charge!

September 15, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

With two outs in the bottom of the eighth inning in a game that the Yankees were losing 9-3, a brawl erupted between the Blue Jays and Yankees.

After a couple of Blue Jays batters were hit early in the game, Jesse Carlson threw behind Jorge Posada and chaos erupted. 

Is this really what the Yankees need to be getting involved in at this point in the season?

There is sure to be suspensions handed down from this.  Posada certainly will be suspended for the initial start of this fight.  There may also be suspensions handed down to players in the bullpen.

Rod Barajas charged the mound from the catcher position and did not take any action in trying to stop what went down.

Brawls are a part of baseball, but this was unnecessary on Posada’s part.  There is going to be fallout from this incident and it could affect the Yankees as they move into the last 20 games of the season.

Luckily it seems that no player was injured, but when grown men get physical anything like a sprain or strain is a possibility. 

A team with the talent of the Yankees, a team getting ready for October baseball, didn’t need this to happen.  It looks bad in the media and can only have a negative impact on a team that is trying to win its first World Series since 2000.

Only time will tell what sort of fallout will come of this brawl.

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