
What The Yankees Should Do This Offseason

November 8, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

As soon as Mark Teixeira caught the ball, I started to think about pitchers and catchers reporting in February. The Yankees face several big questions on who to resign and how much to spend to ensure championship No. 28.

1. Let Matsui Go. This decision would of been a lot easier if it wasn’t for Game 6. Although Matsui had a decent year (.274 28 90), he has become an issue in the lineup because of his limitations to the DH spot. I believe that no player should be just a DH. It doesn’t give a lot of options for other players if they are hurting and can’t play the field. Matsui also grounds into a lot of double plays, he leaves a ton of runners on base. I get the feeling that if he isn’t pulling the ball into the stands, he isn’t doing anything. Unless he takes a one year deal for a very reduced salary, I wouldn’t bother with him. This would open up a roster spot for Austin Jackson. Plus he is a Type B so we get a draft pick.

2. Bring Damon back for one year. Sign Damon for one year with a team option for a second. Yankee stadium is made for him, he still has a little movement and speed (Unlike Matsui). Although he struggles in the outfield, he would mostly be the DH. But would still be able to take over on some days at LF. If he demands three years, forget him and sign Matsui. We will take the draft pick for his Type A price.

3. Let Nady move on. Sorry Nady, but I rather have a Type B draft pick then you.

4. Resign Andy. He needs to be back next year, this is a no brainer. Same price as last year. It all depends if he decides to come back.

5. Don’t trade Melky or Gardner

6. Keep Joba in the pen. Move Hughes to the rotation.

7. Keep Gaudan as 5th starter , resign Mitre to minor league deal. If Chad struggles, Wang can come replace him when he is healthy. Ian Kennedy can provide insurance down in Scranton.

8. Bring back the bench. Hinske and Harriston need to return. Hairston is a Type B free agent though.

Free Agents:

Sign Brandon Lyon: Lyon can become our set up man. You can’t get enough solid bullpen arms.

Make a run at Aroldis Chapman. From what I’ve heard, this guy is the real deal. No doubt the Yanks will give big buck for him.

Roster outlook 2010:


Jorge Posada

Jose Molina

First base

Mark Teixeira

Second Base

Robinson Cano

Short Stop

Derek Jeter

Third Base

Alex Rodriguez

Left Field:

Melky Cabrera

Jerry Hariston JR.

Center Field:

Brett Gardner

Right Field:

Nick Swisher

Eric Hinske

Designated Hitter:

Johnny Damon


Starting Rotation:

CC Sabathia

AJ Burnett

Andy Pettite

Phil Hughes

Chad Gaudan/Ching Ming Wang

The Bullpen

Mariano Rivera

Brandon Lyon

Phil Coke

Joba Chamberlain

Damaso Marte

David Robertson

Alfredo Aceves

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