
Mark Melancon May Be Called Up to Help Yankees’ Bullpen Issues

May 18, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

Chad Jennings is reporting that the Yankees will likely call Mark Melancon up from Triple-A Scranton, but they’re waiting to see if tonight’s game can be played before they make the move.

He also says that Boone Logan or Greg Golson could be heading to Scranton to make room on the roster.

With the exception of Sunday’s game, both Joba Chamberlain and Mariano Rivera have looked good at the end of games; the problem is getting there. The loss of Alfredo Aceves has really started to take its toll on the pen.

David Robertson has been better lately but still isn’t the same pitcher we saw most of last year. He’s walking 6.17 batters per nine compared to 4.74 last year, and his homers are way up, from 0.82 per nine last year to 2.31 so far in 2010.

He also has relied on his fastball a lot more this year, throwing it 78.1 percent of the time compared to 68.7 percent last year. Batters may be sitting on his fastball, and that could be causing the jump in homers.

Besides Robertson’s struggles, the Yankees have no idea what they have in Chan Ho Park. He had a couple good outings before hitting the DL but overall has been a disappointment. Damaso Marte and Logan have both been ineffective as well.

The bullpen is an issue right now; there’s no doubt about that. But it has been like this in each of Joe Girardi’s first two seasons as manager, and each time he found a formula that eventually worked. Hopefully Melancon can pitch well at this level and help the pen find itself.

Other pitchers to keep your eye on are Jonathan Albaladejo and lefty Royce Ring, who have both pitched well for Scranton this year.

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