Alex Rodriguez: Wiping His Butt With the Fabric of America
May 1, 2009 · Michael W · Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees
It has often times been said that baseball is part of the fabric of America.
I’m not trying to pass quick judgement on Alex. But I will say this, if he DID tip Pitches off to opponents, then he has wiped his a*s with the fabric of America.
I hope that he didn’t do it. We already know he did steroids, he’s the highest paid baseball player that has ever walked, skipped, jumped, or crawled on the earth and some historians are already putting him ahead of the old greats like Honus Wagner as the best Shortstop in history.
It would be a shame if anyone did this, but being the highest paid player and (maybe) the best Shortstop ever makes it all the more disheartening.
“Purposely” tipping pitches is something that I have never heard of, it’s obviously a slap in the face of baseball. A complete lack of respect for the game. And again, wiping his a*s with the very fabric of history that so many hold as precious.
I’m not trying to sensationalize the story, but there are still many players that play for the love of the game, many players from the past and today. It’s “more than a game” to many of the past and present players and to many fans and historians (past and present).
Is it more than a game to Alex?
I hope it is, I don’t know if he tipped Pitches or not and I’m not rushing to judgement. We all hope he didn’t. But if he did, it’s a sad time for baseball.
As for Selig.
It’s time to start banning people from the game for steroids.
The era “continued” last month; it didn’t “end” last month.
Trust me, it will become apparently obvious when the steroid era ends, you won’t miss it.
The era not ending, that’s a huge problem.
Mountain Landis cleaned up the game after the 1919 World Series with swift and harsh punishment. There’s a reason that he didn’t make it a 50 game suspension for “throwing games.” Can you imagine? He made it a lifetime ban—then the era ended. That’s how it works.
So Bud Selig, get your (base)balls out of your pocket and do what needs to be done.
Now I understand that the politics are different today than they were in Landis’ day and that you may not have as much power as Landis had, but your job is to protect the integrity of the game.
Are you doing that?