
Alex Rodriguez Traded to the Red Sox (Satire)

August 6, 2009   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

First of all, this is meant to be a wacky prediction and by all means there is probably no chance of it happening just because, well, the Red Sox and Alex Rodriguez don’t exactly have a good relationship.

But just for a few minutes were going to pretend that the Red Sox don’t want to pull out Alex’s intestines and tie it in knots. 

Even with the hated, bitter, rivalry between the two cities there still is a glint of hope for Red Sox fans that this could happen.  A GLINT.  I don’t care how much you hate him in Boston,  I know that a David Ortiz-Alex Rodriguez-Jason Bay three-four-five punch looks extremely attractive. 

Now, Alex Rodgriguez hasn’t exactly been known for being loyal to his fans.  Remember in the late ’90s in Seattle where the Mariners were tearing up the American League?  Alex Rodriguez was a guy in his early 20’s that was already dominating superstar.

Pretty soon it was time for a contract extension.  Alex Rodriguez looked at all the Seattle options and acted like he seemingly didn’t like Seattle and wanted to play for an even bigger contender.  Now we know what was really going through his head, “Where’s the money!  No big million dollar contract, then I ain’t making no contact!”

As faith would have it, Alex Rodriguez was packing up his bags and heading out to Texas to play for the Rangers.  He was playing under a 10-year, $262 million contract.  That’s $26 million a year!  Oh yeah, the Rangers weren’t exactly called, “contenders”, at the time.  They actually looked more like the door mat to the AL West.

Back to reality now.  Alex Rodriguez is playing in an aged New York Yankees lineup.  Derek Jeter’s best days are behind him, Robinson Cano isn’t the same, and Jorge Posada is long gone from that .342 batting average.  It looks like the time for the Yankees to at least trade one of their big superstars so they can get some prospects in return.

This is when the Red Sox come in.  The Red Sox are know for making “home grown” players.  Look at Jacoby Ellsbury and Dustin Pedroria.  Their farm system is juiced with young talent.  Justin Masterson and Clay Buchholz are just dying for playing time. 

And the Red Sox aren’t exactly poor either.  They could give Alex enough money to support his ego.

I could see this deal happening.  David Murphy, Brandon Moss, Clay Buchholz, Just Masterson, Michael Bowden, and maybe a throw in for Alex Rodriguez.

It is highly unlikely that they would give up so many high touted prospects.  But when you look at the farm system they still have plenty of ready prospects so it is a low risk, high reward deal.  Alex Rodriguez would finally replace Manny Ramirez as the No. 4 monster. 


Thanks for reading.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated and if you liked it, it would mean a lot if you became a fan.  Thanks.   

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