
2010 MLB All-Star Game: Could the Entire Yankee’ Infield Be All-Stars This Year?

May 21, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments
Article Source: Bleacher Report - New York Yankees

It usually isn’t a surprise to see the left side of the Yankee infield in the All-Star game; Derek Jeter has 10 All-Star games under his belt and Alex Rodriguez has 12.

But this year’s All-Star Game in Anaheim, California could see Mark Teixeira and Robinson Cano accompanying A-Rod and Jeter.

Cano is probably having the best year of the lot, batting .338 with nine home runs and 28 RBI heading into tonight’s game. So his numbers should speak for themselves, and I believe he will be a starter.

A-Rod isn’t having an A-Rod-esque year, with only six home runs and hitting only .288, but he does have 32 RBI which is good for fifth best in the AL. Plus his superstar status garners him more votes than others.

A-Rod should be a reserve, considering Evan Longoria is hitting .323 with 37 RBI, which is second best in the AL, and Jose Bautista brings his 33 RBI and 12 home runs to the table.

Mark Teixeira will have a shot, but if I had to choose the player that has the least chance of going to Anaheim, it would be ‘Tex’.

The slow month of April continued to hamper Teixeira in 2010, as it has in years past, but he has picked up the slack in May. He came out of April hitting sub .200 and now is hitting .214, but has seven home runs and 30 RBI.

The problem for him though is that there are probably four guys that would be ahead of him right now. Namely Miguel Cabrera, Kendry Morales, Paul Konerko, and Justin Morneau.

Tex would have to really go on a tear to beat his competition out by the numbers, not that he isn’t capable of doing so, but it would be a suprise if he makes the squad.

And that brings us to the face of baseball, one of the most respected and popular players in the game today.

The one, the only, Derek Jeter.

Now Jeter has been in a slump recently that has his average at a lowly .275 and he has struck out 25 times. But he does have 25 RBI out of the lead-off spot this season, which is very impressive.

He is also perennially one of the top vote getters for the All-Star Game, and no real competition has emerged, so Jeter will most likely be in Anaheim this July to take part in his 11th career All-Star game.

All four of the infielders have one thing in common going for them, Joe Girardi, who is the manager this year and has his personal picks of who joins the squad.

It’s unlikely, but don’t be surprised to see the Yankee Pinstripes dotting the infield of Angel Stadium throughout the 2010 All-Star Game. 

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